Scroll down, lots of photos.
Old pinblock before removal, cut has been made underneath along stretcher to help separate glue joint. Note long bridge has been planned down to sub base in preparation of new cap.
Chiseling out old block. Old block was a full fit Steinway style meaning glued to stretcher, sides and shelf, this is the strongest type of construction and will be reproduced in the new pin block installation.
Fitting new Dilignit block to flange on plate. Note blue chalk used as transfer agent to insure perfect fit.
Block is repeatedly shaped and then refit, each time chalk transferred to block is sanded off, the block is put back in place and tapped again. This process repeats itself perhaps 50 times.
New block fit to plate and clamped, screws holes will be drilled next.
Drilling tuning pin holes.
Block is shimmed 5 degrees to accomplish angle needed for tuning pins.
New pinblock glued and clamped in place. Note new bridge cap material has been selected and laid out. Quarter sawn rock maple with attention paid to grain orientation to facilitate carving.