Your piano related link welcome here. submit
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www.playpiano.com This will take you to their links page. A very extensive collection of piano and music related links. Definitely worth checking out!
Piano A stunning book, full-color showcase showing how the piano has evolved over the past 300 years, transforming the world of music like no other instrument before or since.
Determine the value of a piano at www.BlueBookOfPianos.com seems like a very good site with lots of free info and no adds.
A comprehensive website about online music lessons. We work with music teachers to help rate the web's top online music courses. We also include some free online piano lesson videos and helpful advice.
A matrix based on the harmonic table with each cell representing a fixed note. Take a look!
Victor Borge Corner
Micheal McDonnald & Billy Preston:
Ray Charles:
Fabland The Johnny Fabulous Website
Fenton at the Piano!!
Note by Note. A great film, available in DVD from this link.
How It's Made. You Tube Video on the making of a Mason & Hamlin Grand Piano.
in Santa Cruz, CA.
World Biggest Piano? 12 feet 2 inches The Rubenstein 371. This piano is probably the largest piano in the world with a scale matching it's size. There is only one at present. I had the pleasure of seeing this piano and talking with the builder in Feb 2006 at the Piano Technicians Guild Conference in Burbank, CA.
Juggle to Music! AMAZING!! Turn up your sound first. Thanks to Wild Bill for this one.