String plane is established by pulling string at sample locations. Witness marks are then cut in new too tall bridge cap to be used as a guide when planning new cap to correct height. New cap is planned down until cuts just disappear.
Pattern made from old bridge is placed on new bridge cap for reference.
Holes for bridge pins are center punched in new cap. Rod at angle in block is for referring to angle of new pins.
Drilling bridge pin holes. Bubble gauge has been epoxied to top of drill at 17* angle to maintain angle.
Newly drilled cap. Joint at alto/treble break showing tight grained quarter sawn maple. Joint is necessary for grain orientation.
Painting graphite on bridge.
Newly graphited bridges ready for notching.
Making saw kerf.
Cutting side wall.
Notching completed on all 3 bridges. Needing only to be pinned.
Board being scraped old decal saved as per customer request.
Board completely striped, ready for finish.
Installing bridge pins.
Removing old tuning pin bushings.
Dressing capo bar.
Removing old aggraffes.
Custom machining of new aggraffes to insure proper alignment and height.
Installing new aggraffes. New aggraffes and dressing the capo bar insure a proper upper termination for the string. This along with new bridge caps (lower termination) help to increase sustain and create a pure tone.
Refinished plate installed in piano, happy client looking on.
First of many new strings installed in piano, new tuning pin bushings being installed.
Newly strung piano.
Leveling strings.